Kaizen Awards
For October 2024, an impressive 441 Kaizens were received, surpassing the target of 304. The PLE team was awarded the Kaizen Rolling Trophy.
Awards for the best Kaizens were distributed across categories including Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, and Morale. Each award recognized impactful innovations, such as productivity enhancements, quality improvements, cost savings, and safety measures, contributing significantly to business excellence.
5S Competition Awards
Two teams were recognized for exemplary 5S practices:
- Office Zone: Inward Quality
- Shop Floor Zone: Machine Shop
These awards were presented based on outstanding implementation of 5S principles in their respective areas.
Near Miss Identification Awards
October 2024 saw a total of 80 near-miss incidents identified and reported across departments. Awards were given for proactive identification of potential hazards in categories such as Actuators, Contact with Objects, Falling Risks, Electrical Safety, Fire Prevention, and Health Concerns.
The efforts of employees in identifying and mitigating these risks have significantly contributed to creating a safer workplace.
RCPL congratulates all the winners for their dedication and innovation in driving excellence, safety, and quality culture throughout the organization.